TSMC 0.18um BCD 官方文档索引
/home1/nfs/pdk/tsmc/tsmc018bcd gen3/docs/
- DB_TEF018BCD3G32X1PI5_130A.pdf
32 bits Parallel Interface Electrical Fuse
- T000BWDR0131_0.pdf
WLCSP design guidelines for TSMC 8 inch pure ALCu backend wafer process techonologies
- T000CLDR002_1_9_2.pdf
Wire bond pad package, the solder bump pad of the flop chip package
- T000CLDR006_1_8.pdf
Automotive Reliability
- T000CVDR002_0_1.pdf
top metal fuse for CV018 BCD and CV025 BCD
- T000CVDR004_03.pdf
BIG OD rules and Filing recomendation, 0.18um/0.15um/90ns
- T000LODR00311.pdf
metal fuse design rule for 0.25/0.22/0.18/0.15um AK process
- T018CMDR013_13.pdf
thinFilm resistor and high-linerity MIM
- T018CVCR019_13.pdf
design rules for design? engineer
- T018CVDR032_1_4.pdf
design rules for design? engineer
- T018CVSP027_1_4P4.pdf
spice model
- T018LOLE003_2_1A.pdf
all layer names and brief descriptions