aelPushSignifDigits(5) CIW窗口中输入控制Annotation的显示的小数位数
envSetVal("wavescan.calculator" "significantDigits" 'string "8")
From a terminal open the gconf editor
%> gconf-editor
There goto ‘apps -> metacity -> general’.
Look for the option ‘new_windows_always_on_top’ and set it to ‘true’.
Something in your environment has turned on "novice" mode (or turned off expert mode). If you go to Options->User Preferences (in the CIW), there's a checkbox there called "Options Displayed When Commands Start". If that's on, you'll get the behaviour you describe.
This can be controlled a few ways:
hiGetCIWindow()->expertMode=t ; is the same as
envSetVal("ui" "showOptionForms" 'boolean nil)
My guess is that you have a .cdsinit or .cdsenv file which is setting showOptionForms to t, or expertMode to nil.
There is a library level CDF setting that you could set for the design library (Tools - CDF - Edit, Scope=Library, Level=Base, Interpreted Labels section, Terminals(cdsTerm) ) choose "None" to not display the Net Name next to the terminals, where the symbol would have a cdsTerm() expression in it. (I'm assuming IC61x here - the form is different in IC5141 but the approach is the same).